Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In - Positive Reinforcement

Despite the fact that the needle has barely budged since I got the new scale, I have lost some of my "padding."  I am wearing pants I bought in 2008 that were too tight last summer, and that makes me feel like I've accomplished something.  You may recall my post about weight-loss rewards and he importance of non-food presents or pick-me-ups (as I call them).  Well, I cashed in one of my rewards last Saturday when I used my birthday gift certificate for spa services at Metropolis in Princeton.  I had a service called the Spa Mosaic Body Treatment, a sort of fancy massage.  It was heavenly! 

I've promised myself another one when I reach my goal weight.

The stats:
weight lost this week: -0.8 pounds
weight lost YTD: 3.2 pounds

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