Wow, it has been a while since my last post...and so much has happened.
Like me, you are probably undergoing some form of quasi-quarantine in an effort to slow or stop the progression of the COVID-19 virus. Thank goodness for quilting, right? The social isolation is not so bad for an introvert like me with hobbies but social butterfly types like my mom and sister are really feeling it.
Over the past two months, I've stayed true to my plan to work on UFOs and projects from my stash. First, these English paper pieced hexie flowers, to become a Flowers For Emma quilt by Sherri McConnell.
Making the flowers is a great little portable handwork project. But now that I'm stuck at home and have 20-something made, I started appliqueing them to the pieced background squares.
I'm using my sewing machine for the applique. I have a Bernina Q440 and the blindstitch (#7) works great for this.
You can see the stitch in the photo below, enlarged. In real life, the stitches are not noticeable and will disappear even more in the texture of the quilting. I used white thread to match the background and have the #7 stitch set at a width of 0.9 and length of 0.6. Yes, that length is tiny and I better not have to do any unstitching because I don't think my seam ripper will fit in the stitches.
So far, so good and it only takes a few minutes to sew each block.
I'll be back again (sooner!) with more updates.