I've started a new project, Paper Roses, from Allison Quilt Designs. The picture here is from the pattern. I am making it in very different fabrics so it will look quite different (I think!). The roses (pink squares in the picture) are foundation pieced and have a lot of pieces. The rectangles are big - good for those large prints. I've had the pattern and the fabric to make it in a project box for quite some time and feel good that I am finally getting to it. I'm going to try the hour-a-day technique again in an effort to make steady progress. I don't have to get it done fast, just get it finished before quilt attention deficit disorder sets in. I'll be back soon with photos of my progress.
In other news, I am making an effort to clean out and re-organize my studio. I use the term studio lightly; it is really the guest bedroom with a sewing table set up in the middle. But it gets used more for sewing and quilting than for guests. Problem is that it also gets used as the junk storage room and general catch-all facility. I'm trying to get rid of the detritus. Our local thrift shop just announced that they are accepting donations again so I plan to get there Saturday morning with my donation bags. Then on to Miss Main Street's first field hockey game as a high schooler!
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