Friday, July 3, 2015

Give Me Liberty

Are you a fan of Liberty of London fabrics?  I like the prints but the fabric is a little pricey to use for quilting.  If you are a fan, you might be interested in the Pop-In store at Nordstrom's.  

A few of the brick and mortar stores have a temporary in-store shop selling Liberty items and all of the merchandise is available online.  There are many cute items.  I like this coin purse but what really got me is this little suitcase.  Wouldn't it be great for storing a quilting project or supplies?  But a bit pricey; I'll have to think about it.

Today is a holiday from work, celebrating the July 4th holiday tomorrow.  That means extra time to sew!  Must get started. Enjoy your 4th of July celebration!


  1. Personally, I'm all for the 2 person tent. Can't you imagine telling your boyfriend - oh yes, let's go camping I already have a tent and you show up with that.

  2. Great fabrics but way to pricy for me....happy 4th and happy sewing over the weekend!


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