One of her quilts, The Ladies' Stitching Club, has been on my to-make list for a while. The 60 degree triangle is a new experience for me and I thought this project would be a good way to learn something new, expand my repertoire, and use fabric from my stash. It is turning out to be exactly that! The quilt was originally a free design from Moda but Cindy figured out a different way to piece it that results in less waste so I'm following her instructions and it is working out well so far.
But I really should call this project my Hyacinth Quilt Designs homage project because I also found inspiration in her color palette on a couple of other quilts, namely Triangle Hexies Quilt and A Plus Quilt Variation.
I'm using a color palette of aqua and lime green with gray and blue denim. I'm using some fat quarters out of a little bundle I bought a while back from Pink Castle Fabrics, fleshed out with additions from my stash and some denim I bought for another project. The denim is light weight, a little heavier than quilting cotton but not as heavy as jeans. I starched all the fabric before I started cutting.
Here are some finished blocks. Two triangles are joined by an inch wide strip to create a trapezoid. These units are treated as blocks and joined in rows. I have some more blocks to make and then I'll start sewing them together. The size is going to be dictated by the amount of denim fabric I have. I'll post more on this as I make progress.