Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Inspiration Box

I haven't finished the turquoise quilt yet but I'm already thinking about the next project.  That's how I work and it gives me something to ponder during the more mindless bits, like pressing.  I spent some time over the weekend going through my books and patterns...and my Inspiration Box.

The box is something I bought a few years ago in Borders.  It is about 9" by 12" and might have been intended as a gift box.  It came with a handy elastic band that fits around the box with the top on. 

My inspiration box holds clippings from magazines, photos I've taken here and there, downloads from the internet, etc.  Sometimes my attention is caught by a whole quilt but other times it is a block I like or a border treatment or color combination.  And many items I've saved aren't quilts per se but have something about them that led me to a thought about quilting.  For example, I have several photos I took of iron fencing because I thought I'd like to recreate the pattern in the quilting on a quilt.

How do you save and organize your inspiration?

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