Essential Quilting Books – The Quilters Ultimate Visual Guide
(Ellen Pahl, Editor)

I’ve owned this book for about 10 years and go back to it over and over. It is the ultimate reference book – you won’t find much in the way of inspiration here but it tells you how to do just about everything related to quilting and, importantly, shows you how to do it with photos and illustrations. It is my go-to source when I forget how to calculate the size for half-square or quarter-square triangles, how much fabric I need for binding, yardage for setting triangles, and so on. It was published by Rodale in 1997 and so the blocks and quilts used as examples may look a bit dated but the essential information is all here and easy to access. Other quilters must like it too because 56 out of 60 on Amazon.com rate it five stars.
This is one of my favorite reference books - very clear instructions!