Today, I have some of the pictures I took of the quilts exhbited at The Quilt Fest of New Jersey. The first two won prizes at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in VA last month.

This quilt was paper-pieced. I especially like the borders: trees on two sides, the mountains at the top, and the fish at the bottom.

Extremely detailed and realistic.

This was stunning, both from a distance and close-up. The wedding ring arcs are embroidered, not pieced. I'd like to try a border similar to this sometime.

Making "Christmas Pickle" has inspired me to try more curved piecing. I thinking of trying something like this using a Moda Layer Cake.

I really liked this quilt and the next, which have appliqued flowers against a pieced background of neutrals.
Here's a close-up; the background is pieced rail fence blocks. The applique was all plaids. I think the artist is Elsie M. Campbell (I didn't think to take notes at the show). She had a pieced quilt make entirely of plaid fabric taken from men's sport shirts.
This paper-pieced block was part of the "Herding Group" quilt. The artist paper-pieced a block depicting each of the AKC recoginized dog breeds then joined the blocks in quilts for each division of the dog show (Working, Herding, etc.). We have our own Corgi, Reggie, so I am interested in all things Corgi!
Hope you enjoyed this very abbreviated show.
Yes, you have photos of 4 of my quilts that are patterned in my book "String Quilts". Thank you for giving me recognition.