Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Like Sunshine On A Cloudy Day - A Finished Quilt

I have a quilt finish to share; I'm calling this one Like Sunshine On A Cloudy Day.

This quilt was inspired by a string quilt I made several years ago.  It is my most used quilt and I thought something similar to use in rotation could be a good idea.  Inspiration also came from my stash, as it holds a lot of floral prints in light colors, mainly from the 3 Sisters collections for Moda.  I was really wanting to make a quilt from my stash, something I would really like and not just for the sake of using the stash (I put too much time into my quilts to spend it making something I'm not enthusiastic about).

I sent the top and backing to Karen Thompson, my longtime quilt collaborator.  Karen used an edge-to-edge design that is similar to Baptist fan, a quilting pattern I'd wanted to use for a long time.  

I bound the quilt with a darker pink tone-on-tone print.  It makes a nice finish and complements the darker pinks in some of the floral prints. The blocks are just 6" square and each strip of fabric in the block finishes at 1" wide so this is a good block for those leftover bits and pieces of fabric we all have.

I even used fabric from my stash for the back.  This is big quilt, 96" square for a queen size bed, and I didn't have enough of any one print but I had two coordinating prints.  I must have bought these with some use in mind but I can't remember what.

I'm happy with the way this quilt turned out and have it on my bed now.  It's like a ray of sunshine on these dreary January days.

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Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 Quilting Intentions

Happy 2021!  I'm hopeful it will be an improvement over 2020.

A year ago, when thinking about my quilting plans for 2020, my main intention was to devote more time to quilting.  Well, the corona virus pandemic sure helped with that!  My other plan was to tackle some UFOs and use more of my fabric stash.  I consider myself quite successful on these fronts as I made five quilt tops using primarily stash fabric:

Love in the Time of Covid-19:  background, backing, and binding from stash, heart from a new charm pack. 

Mabel Mae:  totally made from stash.

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day:  totally from stash.  This top has been quilted but I still need to bind it.

Trip Around the World quilt:  made mostly from stash, has been quilted but needs binding (and a name).

Stardust:  made from stash except for backing.  Still a flimsy, needs to be quilted, etc.

But the truth is that these quilts made barely a dent in my stash!  My intent is to continue to focus on using my stash and completing UFOs/PIGs/kits in 2021 but that doesn't have to be my sole quilting "thing" and I do have my eye on a few new fabric collections coming out in the first half of 2021.  I also want to make some progress on my hexagon flowers and Dot Dot Dot.  Both of these quilts involve a lot of handwork and I started them as portable/travel projects.  However, with little reason to leave the house lately, I've been doing machine work rather than handwork.  I doubt the travel situation will change for the next few months but I think I will devote a few hours a month to these handwork projects anyway.  

I'm actually going to start 2021 with a few smaller, Christmas projects.  These are things I originally intended to make in 2020 but I lost my quilting mojo for a couple of months in the fall and they fell by the wayside.  I'm re-excited about them now so will tackle them while I have the urge.  Then I'll be ahead when Christmas 2021 comes around.

Do you have any specific quilting plans for the year?

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