We Finish Our Labors to Begin Them Anew*...the motto of my daughter's high school. Perfect for the quilter, don't you think? We finish one project to turn around and begin cutting fabric for the next. But we probably don't call it "labor."
On Labor Day, I finished my 60 degree triangle quilt, The Ladies' Stitching Club. It's a free pattern from Moda, with some revised cutting and piecing directions from Hyacinth Quilt Designs. Except instead of white fabric for my alternating blocks, I made mine half lightweight denim, half pale gray print. Then I mixed in aqua, lime green, and darker gray. I'm pretty happy with the look and it's on its way to my quilter now.
I made some binding over the weekend too. I have two quilts waiting for cooler weather so I can do the binding and call them officially finished.
And then there's the begin them anew part. I starched the fabric for my next project so the cutting and sewing can start again. Starting a new quilt project puts a smile on my face!
* Sometimes more loosely translated as there will always be homework.