On Friday, a friend and I went to Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, an annual quilt show held outside Philadelphia every September. You may have read my coverage in prior years. While the internet has made quilt inspiration plentiful and easily accessible, I still like to go to the occasional show and see show-quality quilts "in real life."
Here are my favorites from this year's show:
This feathered star quilt (paper pieced) was spectacular. The workmanship was outstanding; no wonder it won 1st place in the Traditional category.
Feathered Stars by Barbara Khan of Weehawken,NJ, 82" x 82"
A close-up of the center star
Close-up of the border
In a funny coincidence, this quilt was displayed across from a booth vending quilting books, where they had copies of A Flock of Feathered Stars, the book used to make the quilt. So if you'd like to have a quilt like this, all you need is the book, some fabric, and a lot of patience and talent.
When I saw this next quilt from a distance, it reminded me of work I saw at the Old Town Art Fair in Chicago during the summer, and sure enough, it was from the same artist, Deborah Hyde. She uses color placement in Many Trips Around the World blocks to create art quilts. Fabric pieces are only 1" square! This quilt, Leda, won 2nd place in the Innovative category.
Leda by Deborah Hyde, West Bloomfield, MI, 71" x 43"
close-up showing color placement
close-up showing block
Deborah Hyde had another quilt in the show, equally striking in my opinion.
Sam In Sunlight, Deborah Hyde, West Bloomfield, MI, 59" x 76"
close-up showing block
Ever since I made my Dresden plate quilt, I've been wanting to try another,using the winding chain layout. All the fabric used in this quilt has polka dots and the outer edge has a flange or small piping next to the binding.
Lil Bit Dotty For Dresdens by Teri Cherne, Henniker, NH, 42" x 42"
close up showing the quilting and fabric
There was an exhibit of quilts with the theme "50 Shades of Gray," all made by members of a guild in Florida. This first one looks like a black and white photo. All the fabric used to make it was gray; a darker gray background with the applique in various lighter shades.
Twizzle, by Dotty Levine, 36" x 47"
close up of the prairie point border
While some of the quilts used only gray fabric, the rules allowed for inclusion of color with the gray. I have a bit of thing for rainbow quilts at the moment so this one caught my eye.
Life on Mars, Ilona Farnes, 67" x 71.5"
I vaguely recall seeing a demo for a technique for making this block;
the technique makes two identical blocks at one time
I like the way the star points in this quilt burst out of the inner square into the border. This entry had a story. It was started by Edna Depper, who passed away before it was finished. Cindy Depper finished the quilt.
50 Shades: Edna's Last Chapter, Edna Depper and Cindy Depper, 58.5" x 58.5"
And one more...
Hope, Polly Bech, Swarthmore, PA, 50" x 50"